Sunday, May 22, 2011

How often have you been humbled by life?

I was humbled last night at work.  It happens from time to time.  As you know I work for a trucking company.  How many people can say they put there life’s on the line when you go to work.  You have your normal answers.  Fire fighters, police military all very respectable jobs that certainly don’t get enough credit.  Last night I took a call about a rollover that involved my company. Rollovers are not that uncommon.  We have them from time to time.  Makes for a long night.  The typical situation is who knows why but we ended up rolling over.  I had two this week.  One was in AZ and our truck hit a car that was abandoned in the middle of the high way.  Spoke to the drivers while a little rattled they were okay.  Makes for a long night we had a trailer on its side with some lettuce on the road.  Well last night we got a call from some lady with the health department about what we wanted to do about the baby formula that was all on the highway.  I said I am sorry miss I have no idea we had an accident. I asked her the condition of our drivers and she said she was not aware.  She was not able to provide much more information and gave me a number to the highway patrol.  I called them and got confirmation that we did indeed have a truck roll over.  So I asked the officer how our drivers were.  That is my first priority I need to know that they are okay.  This officer did not have any information about the condition of our drivers and said that the accident just happened and that he would need to wait for information.  I gave them my number as the contact.  About five min later I got a call from the Highway patrol that was on the scene of the accident.  First question how are my drivers.  Officers answer was I don’t know they were transported to hospitals. This is the moment I got the first set of chills. I called the hospitals and they said they did not have that driver registered.  It took me about 4 calls until I found the hospital that my guys were at.  Due to the condition of the driver they were unable to release any information to me.  At this moment I was humbled.  About 30 min later I got a call from the officer on scene again and turns out that we did lose one of our drivers.  At this point the whole capacity of what actually happens sets in.  We are a training company.  We offer to train drivers in school and then put them out there with experienced drivers after they have been through the school.  I know it’s that this is not the first and unforchantly won't be the last that we have but just very unsettling that a man I may or may not have interacted, may or maynot have passed while I was getting a soda or I may have spoken to him on the phone lost his life out there trying to make a living for his wife. Maybe kids who knows.  You would be surprised the people that have come through here from all walks of life. With the economy taking a shit like it did a lot of people have lost jobs.  We provide a job for a lot of people out there. Like this gentleman who know his history he has a mom or a dad out there somewhere.  He has friends out there for the sake of the situation I hope that some kids have not lost their father.  I think it would just make me more depressed to know. This one really affected me.  I am not here to preach or tell you any of that but I do want all of you to be thankful that most of us don’t have to put our life’s on the line to make a living.  I know that I will come home each day to see my kids, my wife, my brother and sister and my parents and my extended family all these people I love and I will get to enjoy Sundays with them. This man won't.  All he did was try and make a living and provide for himself his wife and whomever else.  He was trying to better himself. He went to bed last night as the truck moved though the night to get the baby formula to the shelves that you and I have all bought before.  And he won't wake up.  He won't call me looking for help. He won't go home again to see his wife.  Truck drivers out there like doctors and teachers and the such don’t get anywhere near enough credit.  But its unforchantly a part of the profession I am in.  No one out there can say that they never got tired while driving or did that head nod.  Please if you are tired pull over or something.  I am very proud of the company I work for.  I am very proud of our safety policy.  If a driver calls me and tells me he is tired what should he do my answer is always shut down and take a nap.   My company is very strict about when we get complaints about fatigue. 

Sorry not my normal post just I just had to get my thoughts out of my head.  I cannot shake the image of this man that is no longer with us. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well my super duper double secret is not done yet but I did make some good progress on it.  So I am pretty happy about that.  So today I was driving home from work today and this guy pulls into the two lane highway I am on and for those that are familiar with it it’s the road that runs in front of the new rec center going towards Herriman and they are doing some construction on it.  Well in about 100 feet he will have to merge into my lane.  So I am maintaining  my speed just trying to keep my eyes open and this dick head honks at me.  I am like you ass hole what the hell gives you the right to honk at me.  Not to go childish on you but I was here first so if you cannot get ahead of me and my slow ass jeep then that’s your fault don’t honk.  So I am now watching this dip shit in my mirror wondering if he is yelling at me or throwing me the finger and don’t see anything. So now I begin to wonder if maybe his elbow hit the horn or something.  We have all been there when you honk on accident and then the person that thinks you honk at them gets there draws in a bunch about something that is a simple accident.  So I want to know if he meant to do and if so why?  If not then I wasted a lot of brain power over something stupid.  Then that makes me the ass.  So if you are they guy in the black VW and reading this what’s the story?  I know it’s not likely but hey it’s out there. 

Second thought of the day –
Today I was a wanted man.  I got a registration ticket a month ago.  And did not pay it.  We got a letter in the mail today that there was a warrant out for my arrest effective May 8.  Happy Mothers days right?  Thanks dick head West Valley City.  I think you have more problems to deal with then some guy who is busting his ass and did not register his car.  Don’t get me wrong I am not making excuses for myself it’s been almost a year since we get the excursion registered so I deserved the ticket. But really you are going to arrest me over that.  Talk about bull shit.  Could you imagine me sitting there in a jail cell. What are you in for,  Me I killed a man and then ate his heart to prove I am a bad ass".  "You Well I stuffed cocaine up my ass for a couple bucks."  What about you over there in the corner.  Yea you man the one who has pissed yourself.  "Oh I forgot to pay a 55.00 dollar fine.  A month ago."  So you are really going to take my ass to jail over that. I asked Amber if her going to bed with a hardened Criminal was hot and if it did anything for her….. She laughed answer enough I guess. So much for going on the lamb to spice things up

Think I am going back to school     

Monday, May 9, 2011


I am hoping to post something tonight.  No promises. I have a ultra double secrete project I am working on.  I need to get that ball rolling.  Once I get to a good spot with that I will see what’s in my mind.  Right now I got nothing but maybe that’s a good thing.  Nothing like going off the cuff.   My post will be like boobs  just better natural.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So this may work or may not.  I am not sure how often these will get updated.  This is like that one movie you don't know if it’s still in theaters or not.  So you can read it today and roll the dice that it will be there tomorrow.  Or it may not be there.  I make no commitments as to how often or if ever again this will be updated. My hours of operations are diffident then about 92.38  % of people out there.  And there are times when I have something on my mind.  It’s too late to text Amber and the guy next to me at work does not really like me.  So this might be my outlet.  We will see like I said it’s a movie that may or may not be there the next time you go to look for it.  If you get brought up in my blog don't take it personal.  

Things to expect:
1.     Swear words you don't like them don't come back.  I will stay away from the F one unless I am super         pissed off and even that might be edited before you wake up.  
2.     And honest opinion from me.  You may or may not like it; you may or may not agree with it.  I don't care either way.  You are welcome to think different and comment about it. Just don't be an ass hole for the sake of being an ass hole.  I welcome and in fact encourage smart asses but let’s leave them smart and not holes.  I am the only one allowed to be an asshole because that’s what you get for being the writer.  
3.     I am liberal.  I like it. I like gays. I am not gay I like my wife and parts of her body guys can't offer too much to be gay but that does not mean I don't like gays. 
4.     I am not a democrat.  While I side with them most of the time I would not say I am one of them.  I think all politics are crap and needs a reset.  But being liberal I tend to fall on that side. 
5.     I may well should say most likely will talk about work   so I guess I should give you my work history and why and how I ended up here.   That will be part of my first post.  

Things not to expect:
1.     I am not good at spelling and grammar.  I don't care enough some times to fix it.  So if it bugs you then you need to move on to a different blog.  
2.     Chances are you won’t see the same thing twice.  
3.      It won’t always be interesting.  Its won't always be funny.  It won't always be clean.  (I can tell you now when the release EA Sports Collage football I will blog about that)

For now that is all I can say you can expect and not expect.  I may add to this list or may not.  We will see.  So I guess lets jump into my post.  

I really started working a real job with Office Depot and did that for a long time.  I meet one of my best friends there.  Chad and still in contact with him.  He left for another company and asked me to come along a little while afterwards.  I was not enjoying my time at Depot anymore so I decided to take a pay cut and be happy rather then make decent money doing something I did not like anymore at Depot. So I went to Teleperformance and that was going well until they told me they were going to lay me off. Because they could find someone to do it cheaper in another county.  I thought bull shit I am not making that much.  But they did it anyways so that sucked ass.  I had a pretty cool boss there that said I could do what I want as far as interviews and stuff while still there.  So I went on the hunt for another job.  And that was terrible nothing like getting told 30 times over there was someone else they liked more then you.  And sitting in bed at night after everyone had fallen asleep and almost in tears wondering if you were going to be able to provide for your family anymore.  Like I knew we would never end up out on the street.  I have a great family that would take us in.  I was lucky to marry into a family that is just as kind.  I am sure we had a place to go but still the unknown was awful.  So anyways I was throwing out applications like they were porn flyers in Vegas.  Hoping that some perv would be interested enough in my rack to call me to his room.  The perv being someone who had a job that was not bouncing my tits around and trying to maneuver a thong off while trying to look sex. Turns out that the perv would be England and they actually called me to their room only to find out that they were not interested in my rack.  Was told thanks but no thanks ho!  Feeling dejected beyond belief.  I went back to one of my old pimps and was about ready to offer up service I am good at to get a job.  (I won’t go into detail about what service a prostitute is good at on their knees but I am sure you can imagine)  But anyways as I was in the office of my old pimp ready to throw my pride out the door to get a job she got called out to the warehouse and I left telling her I would be back tomorrow when she had more time.  As I was driving home I got a call from a guy named Bob.  Turns out Bob liked my rack and here I am at England.  If you can picture Napoleon Dynamite you would not be able to tell the difference between him and Bob.  But there really is no one at this company I respect more than Bob.  In my eyes he is a living England legend.  To try and make a long story shorter I ended up on After hours.  This is a breakdown of why I do.  We have over  3000 trks running at any given time.  With 3000 trucks you could imagine the problems we come across at night.  Accidents, Break downs people getting tired and on and on. So it’s my job to manage a crew who manages the 3000 trucks out there.  I can say I really like my job.  Turns out the separation from Depot was good as they closed their doors here in SLC and I have a rewarding job that I really like.  And have met and come across some of the most incredible people I have ever met in my life.  

I wanted to come up with something very funny and good for my first blog but now that its time I am kinda crumbling under pressure.  I suck I don’t blame you if you don't come back.   But that’s my blog for the night.  Comment if you want to.